This is an article which is demonstrating the usage of all kind of demonstrative through positive sentence and even interrogative sentence or a question in chapter 2 page 21 in Minna no Nihongo book. Actually the problem which is described in the real book is scrambled. In order to answer the problems, we have to arrange all the parts of the sentence which is scrambled. The book itself is used as a learning material for a beginner in order to study Japanese language. To see the problems, please buy the original Minna no Nihongo book.
1. それはわたしのかぎです。
Romaji :
Sore wa watashi no kagi desu.
Meaning :
That is my key.
2. この辞書はミラーさんのです。
Hiragana :
Romaji :
Kono jisho wa mira-san no desu.
Meaning :
This dictionary is Miller’s.
3. その傘はだれのですか。
Hiragana :
Romaji :
Sono kasa wa dare no desuka.
Meaning :
Whose umbrella is that ?
4. あれは先生の机です。
Hiragana :
Romaji :
Are wa sensei no tsukue desu.
Meaning :
That is teacher’s desk.