Japanese Language Lesson Minna no Nihongo Chapter 2 Section B Part 8 Page 18

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This is an article which is imposing the usage of demonstrative by using interrogative sentence through the problem in chapter 2 page 18 in Minna no Nihongo book. That demonstrative is combined by using to confirm the owner of the item or the noun. The book itself is used as a learning material for a beginner in order to study Japanese language. To see the problems, please buy the original Minna no Nihongo book. Besides the usage of demonstrative このin the question form, this practice is actually can be used to learn how to give the possible answer based on the question.

Format :



Where A is the noun which is being asked.

1.  この机は誰のですか。




Kono tsukue wa dare no desuka.

Yamada san-no desu.

Whose desk is this ?

Yamada’s .

2.  このカメラはだれのですか。


Kono kamera wa dare no desuka.

Santosu-san no desu.

Whose camera is this ?


3.  この傘は誰のですか。




Kono kasa wa dare no desuka.

Satou-san no desu.

Whose camera is this ?


4.  この手帳は誰のですか。




Kono techou wa dare no desuka ?

Mira-san no desu.

Whose notebook / memo pad is this ?


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