Japanese Language Lesson Minna no Nihongo Chapter 2 Section B Part 1 Page 17
This is an article which is imposing the usage of demonstrative through the problem in chapter 2 page 17 in Minna no Nihongo book. The book itself is used as a learning material for a beginner in order to study Japanese language. To see the problems, please buy the original Minna no Nihongo book. Based on the answer which is given, we can also use it as an introduction to use demonstrative in Japanese language.
練習 B
Practice B
Sore wa kaban desu.
This is a bag.
Kore wa kagi desu.
This is a key.
Are wa terebi desu.
That is a television.
これ(kore) : this(closer to the speaker)
‘kore’ is a demonstrative that is used when the noun which is being pointed is nearer to the speaker. We translate ‘kore’ as ‘this’.
それ(sore): that (closer to the listener)
‘sore’ is a demonstrative that is used when the noun which is being pointed is nearer to the listener. We translate ‘sore’ as ‘that’.
あれ(are): that (closer from either the speaker or the listener)
‘are’ is a demonstrative that is used when the noun which is being pointed is far from not only from the speaker but also from the listener.
Demonstrative in Japanese language doesn’t change according to the number of the noun which is being pointed. In the other hand, English language has a different pattern for using demonstrative. It changes depend on whether the noun is singular or plural. If it is singular, demonstrative ‘this’ and ‘that’ is used normally.When the noun is in plural form the demonstrative will become ‘these’ and ‘those’ respectively.