Japanese Language Lesson Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 19 Section C Fukushuu Part 2 Page 163

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This is an article where the main content is focusing on how to answer the questions. There are questions available where the main focus is answering the question by filling the empty underlined with brackets. Just select the suitable particles to fill that empty underlined with brackets in order to complete the sentence. The problem set exist in Minna No Nihongo 1 Book  Chapter 19 Section C Fukushuu Part 2 in page 163. So, the following answers are references and alternatives for answering the question exist in Minna No Nihongo 1 Book Chapter 19 Section C Fukushuu Part 2 in page 163 :

  1. Kanji :

    あの 喫茶店に 入りませんか

    。...ええ、そう しましょう。

    Hiragana :

    あの きっさてんに はいりませんか。

    ...ええ、そう しましょう。

    Romaji :

    Ano kissaten ni hairimasenka。

    ...Ee, sou shimashou。

    Meaning :

    How about getting in to that café ?

    ...Yes, let’s do it (get in).

    Since the problem containing an interrogative sentence, just modify the verb so it will be suitable with the suffix form of ‘-masenka’. So, the form ‘harimasu’ will be ‘hairimasenka’. It is a form to ask in a polite way to suggest on doing something. In this context, the other person is suggesting to enter to a café.

  1. Kanji :

    コンピューターの 会社で 働きたいです。

    Hiragana :

    コンピューターの かいしゃで はたらきたいです。

    Romaji :

    Konpyu-ta- no kaisha de hatarakitai desu.

    Meaning :

    I want to work using computer’s office.

    This problem contains a sentence expressing the wish of the speaker. It is using the ‘-tai’ form. So, in order to change it into that form, the verb ‘hatarakimasu’ will change into ‘hatarakitai’. It means, (I) want to work.

  1. Kanji :

    駅へ 友だちを 迎えに 行きます。

    Hiragana :

    えきへ ともだちを むかえに いきます。

    Romaji :

    Eki e tomodachi wo mukae ni ikimasu.

    Meaning :I go to pick up my friend at the train station.

    For this problem, it is using a form of ni … -masu . In this context, particle ‘ni’serve to indicate a purpose. The purpose exist before the ‘ni’ particle. The verb available before the ‘ni’ particle is mukaeru. That verb is an activity for picking up someone. The verb change from ‘mukaemasu’ to ‘mukae’ for this context.

  1. Kanji :

    日本へ 勉強し に 来ました。

    Hiragana :

    にほんへ べんきょうし に きました。

    Romaji :

    Nihon e benkyou shi ni kimashita.

    Meaning :

    I came to Japan for study.

    The above problem has the same pattern with the previous problem. The usage of the particle ‘ni’ in this case is for informing the purpose. The purpose exist before particle ‘ni’. It is in the form of a verb where the verb is ‘benkyou’ or to study. So, change the form ‘benkyou shimasu’ to ‘benkyou shi’.

  1. Kanji :

    すみませんが、ボールペンを 貸して ください。

    Hiragana :すみませんが、ボールペンを かして ください。

    Romaji :

    Sumimasen ga, bo-rupen wo kashite kudasai.

    Meaning :

    Excuse me, please lend me a pen.

    In this problem, the main form is the ‘-te kudasai’ form. It is a form for asking permission politely. So, change the form ‘kashimasu’ into ‘kashite kudasai’.

  1. Kanji :

    今 電話を かけて います。

    Hiragana :

    いま でんわを かけて います。

    Romaji :

    Ima denwa wo kakete imasu.

    Meaning :

    I am on the phone (calling using the phone) right now.

    The above form is using the ‘-te imasu’ form. It is a form to inform the action which is take place and currently in progress. The speaker is informing in the sentence exist in the problem that he or she is currently using the phone right now. So, change the form ‘kakemasu’ into ‘kakete imasu’.

  1. Kanji :

    エアコンを つけましょうか。

    Hiragana :

    エアコンを つけましょうか。

    Romaji :

    Eakon wo tsukemashouka.

    Meaning :

    Shall (we) turn on the air conditioner ?.

    This problem is using the ‘-mashouka’ from the ‘-masu’ form. It is an interrogative form to suggest something to the other for an agreement. It has the same tone for the form ‘-masenka’. So, in the above context, it is suggesting or asking whether is it alright to turn on the air conditioner. The correct answer will be changing the ‘tsukemasu’ form into a ‘tsukemashouka’.

  1. Kanji :

    この 電話を 使って も いいですか。

    Hiragana :

    この でんわを つかって も いいですか。

    Romaji :

    Kono denwa wo tsukatte mo ii desuka ?.

    Meaning :

    Can (I) use this phone ?

    This problem has the answer with the pattern of ‘-te mo ii desuka’. It is asking permission politely to other in order to do something. In this context, it is asking to something whether it is ok to use the phone or not. This situation possible happen when it is the phone that we do not actually possess or the speaker does not own the phone. The answer is changing the pattern from ‘tsukaimasu’ into ‘tsukatte’.

  1. Kanji :

    マリアさんは 結婚して います。

    Hiragana :

    マリアさんは けっこんして います。

    Romaji :

    Maria-san wa kekkon shite imasu.

    Meaning :

    Maria is married.

    This problem is using ‘-te imasu’ to describing the state of an ongoing process. In this context, the ongoing process is actually a marriage status. The person described in the problem whom is Maria is currently living as a married person. So, change the form from ‘kekkon shimasu’ into ‘kekkon shite’.

  1. Kanji :

    京都で 彼女に 会って、映画を見て、それから お茶を 飲みました。

    Hiragana :

    きょうとで かのじょに あって、えいがをみて、それから おちゃを のみました。

    Romaji :

    Kyouto de kanojyo ni atte, eiga wo mite, sorekara ocha wo nomimashita.

    Meaning :

    I met her at Kyoto, watch a movie and after that drink tea.

    The problem in this context is describing several activities in the sentence. But in the above context, those activities are in a sequence order. So, meeting her first and then take her to the movie and after that it ended by having a tea. So, the pattern for the verb will be the ‘-te’ form. Just change the all the verb form from ‘-masu’ form into the ‘-te’ form.

  1. Kanji :

    昼ごはんを食べてから、公園を 散歩します。

    Hiragana :

    ひるごはんをたべてから、こうえんを さんぽします。

    Romaji :

    Hiru gohan wo tabetekara, kouen wo sanpo shimasu.

    Meaning :

    After eating luch, (I) take a walk at the park.

    In this problem, change the pattern of the ‘-masu’ form into a ‘-te’ form. Because this problem contains two sentences joined with ‘kara’. It is explaining sequences of the next activities. So, after eating lunch, he or she will take a walk at the park. So, change it from ‘tabemasu’ into ‘tabete’.

  1. Kanji :

    ここで 写真を 撮らないで ください。

    Hiragana :

    ここで しゃしんを とらないで ください。

    Romaji :

    Koko de shashin wo toranaide kudasai.

    Meaning :

    Please do not take a picture in here.

    In this problem, the grammar pattern for the answer is using the ‘-naide kudasai’ form. It is expressing politely a request for not doing something. So, changing the form from ‘torimasu’ to ‘toranaide kudasai’ is the answer.

  1. Kanji :

    現金で 張らなければなりません。

    Hiragana :

    げんきんで はらなければなりません。

    Romaji :

    Genkin de haranakereba narimasen.

    Meaning :

    (I) must pay by (using) cash. This problem’s answer is following the grammar pattern of ‘-nakereba narimasen’. It is a formal expression to describe something that has to be done or need to be done. In this context, if someone want to pay, he or she must pay it cash. Switch the form from ‘haraimasu’ to ‘haranakereba narimasen’.

  1. Kanji :

    あしたは 来なくても いいです。

    Hiragana :

    あしたは こなくても いいです。

    Romaji :

    Ashita wa konakute mo ii desu.

    Meaning :

    Tomorrow it is fine if you do not come.

    This problem representing an answer in the form of ‘-nakute mo ii desu’. It means, it is alright for someone or the other person to not do it. It literally means do not have to do, it is alright not to do. So, change the form from ‘kimasu’ to ‘konakute mo ii desu’.

  1. Kanji :

    どのくらい泳ぐことが できますか。

    Hiragana :

    どのくらいおよぐことが できますか。

    Romaji :

    Dono kurai oyogu koto ga dekimasuka.

    Meaning :

    How long can (you) swim ?.

    The answer for this problem is the grammar pattern of ‘koto ga dekimasuka’. The verb which is exist before the grammar pattern of ‘koto ga dekimasuka’ is in the dictionary form. It is expressing about the ability to do something. So, the answer is changing the form from ‘oyogimasu’ to ‘oyogu’. Therefore, the full answer is ‘oyogu koto ga dekimasuka’. The complete meaning will be the ability to swim or ‘can you swim ?’. Adding ‘dono kurai’ in the front of the question will make the meaning slightly change into ‘how long can you swim ?’.

  1. Kanji :

    趣味は 絵を かくことです。

    Hiragana :

    しゅみは えを かくことです。

    Romaji :

    Shumi wa e wo kaku koto desu.

    Meaning :

    (My) hobby is drawing a picture.

    This problem also has the similar answer with the previous problem. It is using ‘koto’ to convert a verb into a noun. In order to change the verb into a noun using the additional grammar pattern koto, the verb must be in its dictionary form. Just change it from ‘kakimasu’ to ‘kaku’. So, the meaning in a whole is that the person’s hobby is drawing a picture.

  1. Kanji :

    この会社に 入るまえに、自動車の 会社で 働いて いました。

    Hiragana :

    このかいしゃに はいるまえに、じどうしゃの かいしゃで はたらいて いました。

    Romaji :

    Kono kaisha ni hairu mae ni, jidousha no kaisha de hataraite imashita.

    Meaning :

    Before entering this company, I worked at the car company.

    The answer for this problem is changing the form of ‘hairimasu’ into ‘hairu’. It because of the ‘mae ni’ grammar pattern. The rule is before the ‘mae ni’ grammar pattern, the verb’s form must in the dictionary form.

  1. Kanji :

    新幹線に乗ることが ありません。

    Hiragana :

    しんかんせんにのることが ありません。

    Romaji :

    Shinkansen ni noru koto ga arimasen.

    Meaning :

    (I) have never ride on the train bullet (shinkansen).

    This problem also using the dictionary form of the verb to answer it. It is because of the ‘koto’ grammar pattern. Every verb before ‘koto’ must be in its dictionary form transforming the verb into a noun. So, one thing that the description in the sentence as a noun is about riding the train bullet. The subject never do that thing in the sentence.

  1. Kanji :

    休みの日は 手紙を 書きたり、音楽を 聞きたりします。

    Hiragana :やすみのひは てがみを かきたり、おんがくを ききたりします。

    Romaji :

    Yasumi no hi wa tegami wo kakitari, ongaku wo kikitari shimasu.

    Meaning :

    In the holiday, (I) write a letter, listening to the music.

    This problem describes several activities in one sentence. There are no sequence order in those activities. So, in the sentence, there are description of the subject writing a letter and listening to the music.

  1. Kanji :

    タワポンさんは 頭が よくて、おもしろい 人です。

    Hiragana :

    タワポンさんは あたまが よくて、 おもしろいひとです。

    Romaji :

    Tawapon-san wa oto ga yokute, omoshiroi hito desu.

    Meaning :

    Tawapon is a smart and interesting person.

    This problem is also pointing out changing the form into something else will be the answer. It is changing an adjective from ‘ii desu’ to ‘yokute’. The adjective ‘ii’ is an –i type adjective which means ‘good, well’. The rule for combining or joining a sentence end with an ii type adjective is by changing the form and adding it with ‘-te’ at the end of it. So, the final form will be ‘yokute’ and the meaning is ‘good, smart’. It is following the context of ‘atama ga yokute’ which means his head is good literally. In other words, the subject is clever and smart and … . The ‘yokute’ form will be useful for joining it with another adjective as an additional description of the subject. So, the subject is smart and interesting.


  1. Kanji :

    奈良は 静かで、きれいな 町です。

    Hiragana :ならは しずかで、きれいな まちです。

    Romaji :Nara wa shizuka de, kirei na machi desu.

    Meaning :

    Nara is a quiet (peaceful) and beautiful city.

    Another pattern for the problem using adjectives. In order to answer the question, just change ‘desu’ into ‘de’ to join the sentence with the next part of another sentence. Since ‘shizuka’ is a –na type adjective, the ‘de’ particle is useful to join it with the other part which is another sentence following. So, the meaning is that ‘Nara is a quiet (peaceful) and beautiful city.


  1. Kanji :

    パソコンが 安くなりました。

    Hiragana :

    パソコンが やすくなりました。

    Romaji :

    Pasokon ga yasuku narimashita.

    Meaning :

    Personal computer has become cheaper.

    This is a grammar pattern of ‘ni narimasu’. It is expressing on the changing of an aspect. In this context, the aspect is the price of the personal computer. It has become cheaper. In order to answer the question, just change ‘yasui desu’ into ‘yasuku’. Actually, ‘yasui’ is an –i type adjective. So, as in the previous problem exist, in order to join the ‘-i type adjective with grammar pattern of ‘-ni narimasu’, modify and add ‘ku’. So, the changed form will be ‘yasuku’.

  1. Kanji :

    スキーが 上手に なりました。

    Hiragana :

    スキーが じょうずに なりました。

    Romaji :

    Suki- ga jyouzu ni narimashita.

    Meaning :

    (I ) have become skillful in skiing.

    This is also similar with the previous problem. It is expression the change on a certain aspect. The person described in the problem had become skillful in skiing. But since ‘jyouzu’ is a ‘-na type adjective’, just let it as be by only omitting the ‘desu’ suffix.

All of the above are the answer alternatives for solving the problem exist in  Minna no Nihongo Chapter 19 Section B Fukushuu Part 2 in page 163.

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