This is an article where the main content is focusing on how to answer the questions. There are questions available where the main focus is answering the question by filling the empty underlined with brackets. Just select the suitable particles to fill that empty underlined with brackets in order to complete the sentence. The problem set exist in Minna No Nihongo 1 Book Chapter 19 Section C Fukushuu Part 1 in page 162. So, the following answers are references and alternatives for answering the question exist in Minna No Nihongo 1 Book Chapter 19 Section C Fukushuu Part 1 in page 162 :
Kanji : 雨(が)降って います。
Hiragana : あめ(が)ふって います。
Romaji : Ame (ga) futte imasu.
Meaning : It is raining.
The particle in the answer in the question is particle ‘ga’ to emphasize the subject of the sentence. It is emphasizing that the one which is currently falling is ‘rain’ or ‘ame’.
Kanji : 今 グプタさんは 部長(と)話して います。
Hiragana : いま グプタさんは ぶちょう(と)はなして います。
Romaji : Ima Guputa-san wa buchou (to) hanashite imasu.
Meaning : Right now, Gupta is talking with the director.
The answer of the question is particle ‘to’. It is a suitable particle translated as ‘with’. It is a particle for explaining an activity done together with another person or another party.
Kanji : イーさんは パソコン(を)持って います。
Hiragana :イーサンは パソコン(を)もって います。
Romaji : Ii-san wa pasokon (wo) motte imasu.
Meaning : Lee have a PC (Personal Computer).
The answer for this question is particle ‘wo’. It is the answer for modifying a direct object of the sentence. It is explaining that the person with the name Lee is owning a PC (Personal Computer).
Kanji : この ファクス (の)使い方(を)教えて ください。
Hiragana : この ファクス (の)つかいかた(を)おしえて ください。
Romaji : Kono fakkusu (no) tsukai kata (wo) oshiete kudasai.
Meaning : Please tell me how to use this fax.
There are two blank position waiting to be filled with the right particle in the fourth question. The first one is using particle ‘no’ as an answer. It is modifying a noun by describing it with another noun. The noun is ‘fax’ and it is being described with another noun ‘tsukai kata’ or how to use. The second one is using particle ‘wo’ as the answer. It is a particle to modify a direct object. The noun of ‘how to use a fax’ is a direct object of the verb ‘oshieru’.
Kanji : わたしは 神戸(に)住んで います。
Hiragana : わたしは こうべ(に)すんで います。
Romaji : Watashi wa Koube (ni) sunde imasu.
Meaning : I live in Kobe.
The answer is using particle ni in order to inform the location of the existence of an entity. In this context, it is informing the speaker’s current living town.
Kanji : ここ(に)車を 止めても いいですか。
Hiragana : ここ(に)くるまを とめても いいですか。
Romaji : Koko (ni) kuruma wo tomete mo ii desuka.
Meaning : Is it alright to stop the car in here ?
The answer is also similar with the fifth question. It is using particle ni to inform the existence of an entity. But in this question it is actually a sentence in the form of question. It is asking whether the car can stop in this place pointed in the problem.
Kanji : 7番のバス(に)乗って、大学前で 降ります。
Hiragana : 7ばんのバス(に)のって、だいがくまえで のります。
Romaji : 7 ban no basu (ni) notte, daigaku mae de norimasu.
Meaning : (I) ride the bus number 7, (I) get off (from the bus) in front of the university.
This question is also showing the usage of particle ni. The verb ‘notte’ is derived from the verb ‘noru’ which means ‘to ride on’. It is riding on any kinds of vehicle. The context is that the speaker will have to enter into a specific location which in this context it is the vehicle itself. So, particle ni in this context will indicating the location of the speaker which is in the vehicle. This is one of the verb in Japanese language which is using particle ‘ni’ in the sentence.
Kanji : サントスさんは 背(が)高くて、髪(が)黒いです。
Hiragana : サントスさんは せ(が)たかくて、かみ(が)くろいです。
Romaji : Santosu-san wa se (ga) takakute, kami (ga) kuroi desu.
Meaning : Santos is tall, (his or her) hair is black.
Another question showing on how to use particle ‘ga’. It is useful to describe a noun. Furthermore, describing the subject of the sentence. The subject in this sentence is Santos. He or she has a hair which is black. Adding description to the attribute of the subject which is his or hear is black.
Kanji :カードを ここ(に)入れます。
Hiragana :カードを ここ(に)いれます。
Romaji : Ka-do wo koko ni iremasu.
Meaning : Insert the card in here.
This question is also demonstrating on how to use the particle ‘ni’. It is pointing on the location. The location where the card is inserted.
Kanji : あの 信号(を)右(へ)曲がって ください。
Hiragana : あの しんごう(を)みぎ(へ)まがって ください。
Romaji : Ano shingou (wo) migi (e) magatte kudasai.
Meaning : Toward that traffic light, please turn to the right.
This question has two empty brackets. For the first empty bracket, the answer will be particle ‘wo’. The context of the verb which is ‘magaru’ or to turn, it is using the traffic light as a direct object for turning action. So, it is using particle ‘wo’ as the answer. Furthermore, the second empty bracket, the answer will be particle ‘e’. It is because particle ‘e’ is suitable to describe the movement toward a certain location which is to the right of the traffic light.
Kanji : ワンさんは 運転(が)できます。
Hiragana : ワンさんは うんてん(が)できます。
Romaji : Wan-san wa unten (ga) dekimasu.
Meaning : Wan is able to drive.
The answer for this question is using particle ‘ga’. It is definitely a grammar pattern of ‘ga dekiru’ to express the potential or the ability to do or to perform something. In this context, it is the ability to drive.
Kanji : カード(は)払うこと(が)できますか。
Hiragana : カード(は)はらうこと(が)できますか。
Romaji : Ka-do (wa) harau koto (ga) dekimasuka.
Meaning : Can the card able (to use) for paying ?
There are also two empty brackets in this question. The first one is using particle ‘wa’ for pointing out the subject of the sentence. The second empty bracket is actually similar with the eleventh question, it is using ‘ga’ to express the potential or the ability to do or to perform something. In this context, it is asking the ability to pay with card.
Kanji : 食事(の)まえに、手を 洗って ください。
Hiragana : しょくじ(の)まえに、てを あらって ください。
Romaji : Shokuji (no) mae ni, te wo aratte kudasai.
Meaning : Before having a meal, please wash (your) hands.
This question’s answer is using particle no to fill the empty bracket in order to complete the sentence. This particle is modifying noun. It is describing the relative position by following it with ‘mae’ which means before. In this case, it is the position of time. So, it is pointing out the time before meal.
Kanji : スポーツは からだ(に)いいです。
Hiragana : スポーツは からだ(に)いいです。
Romaji : Supo-tsu wa karada (ni) ii desu.
Meaning : Sports is good for body.
The answer for this questions is particle ni. It is a particle where in this question’s context is to express on “to something” or “for something”. In this question, the particle ni is pointing that sport is good for body.
Kanji : 弟は 医者(に)なりました。
Hiragana : おとうとは いっしゃ(に)なりました。
Romaji : Otouto wa issha (ni) narimashita.
Meaning : My brother became a doctor.
This question’s answer is also using particle ni. It is a grammar pattern indicating a result of change. The grammar format is using ‘ni naru’ where in the sentence is ‘ni narimashita’. It is informing that the speaker’s brother has changed. He has became a doctor.
All of the above are the answer alternatives for solving the problem exist in Minna no Nihongo Chapter 19 Section B Fukushuu Part 1 in page 162.