Japanese Language Lesson Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 1 Section B Part 1 Page 9
This is the answer of chapter 1 page 9 from a book called Minna no Nihongo. This book is dedicated for Japanese language learning material for beginner. To see the problems, please buy the original Minna no Nihongo book. But based on this practice, we can also uses this as a reference to create a sentence which can inform the nation that someone came from.
Practice B
Part 1.
Yamada-san wa nihonjin desu.
Mr. Yamada is a Japanese.
Watto-san wa igirisujin desu.
Mr. Watt is an english.
Tawapon-san wa taijin desu.
Mr.Tawapon is a Thailanese.
Syumitto-san wa doitsujin desu.
Mr. Schmit is a german.
Thank you so much for creating this, it’s so annoying not to be able to check answers, makes doing excercises pointless. I hope there will be all for the first book at least! ^^
You’re welcome. I am just trying my best to give the correct answer. Please feel free to correct it if you have another opinion about the correct answer. Cheers !