Japanese Language Lesson using Minna no Nihongo 2 Book on Chapter 27 Section B Part 1 in Page 12
This is an article which is made to discuss the usage of a Japanese grammar pattern of potential form. It is used to express the ability to do something which is described in the verb. We are making the Japanese grammar pattern by changing the verb into its potential form. In the following article, we are going to explain the Japanese grammar pattern of potential form. After that, we are going to discuss look at Minna no Nihongo 2 chapter 27 section B part 1 on page 12 which also discuss the Japanese grammar pattern of potential form. After giving pattern and also several example of it, we will use it as reference to answer all the question given in Minna no Nihongo 2 chapter 27 section B part 1.
Kanji : 妹は辛いたべものを食べれます。
Hiragana : いもうとはからいたべものをたべれます。
Romaji : Imouto wa karai tabemono wo taberemasu.
Meaning : My younger sister (she) can eat spicy (hot) cuisine(food).
The above example is using ‘tabereru’ which is a potential form verb derived from dictionary verb ‘taberu’. The verb itself, ‘taberu’ means to eat is changed into another form, ‘tabereru’ by modifying the conjugation of the verb.
We will provide another example :
Kanji : お祖父さんはあの小さい漢字がこちからみ見えられます。
Hiragana : おじいさんはあのちいさいかんじがこちからみえれれます。
Romaji : Ojiisan wa ano chiisai kanji ga kochi kara mieraremasu.
Meaning : That small kanji can still be visible (be seen) from here by my grandfather.
The above example, the sentence provided as an example is using ‘mieru’ which can be translated as ‘to be seen, to be visible’. It is changed into a potential form ‘mierareru’ which is translated as ‘can be seen, can be visible’.
Based on the above explanation involving pattern and the example, we will give only the answers for the question given in Minna no Nihongo 2 chapter 27 section B part 1 as follows :
Kanji :漢字を 読めます。
Hiragana :かんじを よめます。
Romaji : Kanji wo yomemasu.
Meaning :(Any subject) can read kanji letters.
* Any subject can be anyone since the subject not specified at all.
Kanji :自転車を 通利します。
Hiragana :じてんしゃを つうりします。
Romaji : Jitensha wo tsuuri shimasu
Meaning :(Any subject) can repair bicycle.
* Any subject can be anyone since the subject not specified at all.
Kanji :ここに 車を 止められます。
Hiragana :ここに くるまを とめられます。
Romaji : Koko ni kuruma wo tomeraremasu.
Meaning :(Any subject) can stop the car here.
* Any subject can be anyone since the subject not specified at all.
Kanji :どこでも 一人で 行けます。
Hiragana :どこでも ひとりで いけます。
Romaji : Doko de mo hitori de ikemasu.
Meaning :(Any singular subject) can go anywhere by (myself/himself/herself).
* Any singular subject in this term is quite understandable since ‘hitori de’ means ‘just by one person, or just alone without someone else’.
We can see the full questions and problems in Minna Nihongo 2 book chapter 26 practice B part 1 on page 60.