Japanese Language Lesson using Minna no Nihongo 2 Book on Chapter 26 Problem Section Part 6 in Page 9
In this japanese lesson which is taken from problems given in Minna no Nihongo 2 chapter 26 problem section part 6 on page 9 by answering it, we can actually learn some Japanese language grammar pattern. The problems are in form of paired questions and answers. We have to choose the most suitable Japanese vocabulary to fill in to complete the problems. But not only that, we have to choose between two types of Japanese grammar given in the example. We have choose the right vocabulary and grammar pattern to build the correct full sentence.
The Japanese grammar pattern consists of the usage of –te itadakemasenka and also –tara ii desuka. We will describe both Japanese grammar pattern with an example for each pattern as shown below :
Japanese grammar pattern –te itadakemasenka
It can be translated as ‘would you kindly please do something for me’. It is a very polite request which is given from someone to someone else to do something. Below is an example in a form of full sentence which is similar with the one given in the problems exists in Minna no Nihongo 2 :
Kanji | : | この探していた本がどこにも見つかれませんでした、よろしければ ただ一週間だけ 貸していただけませんか |
Hiragana | : | このさがしていたほんがどこにもみつかれませんでした、よろしければ ただいっしゅうかんだけ かしていただけませんか |
Romaji | : | Kono sagashite ita hon ga doko ni mo mitsukaremasendeshita, yoroshikereba tada isshuukan dake kashite itadakemasenka ? |
Meaning | : | This book which I have been searched for, (I) couldn’t find it anywhere, if it is allright with you, could you please kindly lend (it) to me for just one week ? |
Japanese grammar pattern –tara ii desuka
This Japanese grammar pattern can be translated as ‘what should supposed to do’ or ‘what is the best option to do’. It is a form of grammar pattern which is actually an interrogative sentence used to ask someone the best thing to do when some condition occurs or has already occurred. Below is an example shown in a form of full sentence as also given in the problem exists in Minna no Nihongo 2 :
Kanji | : | 仕事も半時間に遅れたんですが、どうしたらいいですか。 |
Hiragana | : | しごともはんじかんにおくれたんですが、どうしたらいいですか。 |
Romaji | : | Shigoto mo han jikan ni okuretan desuga, dou shitara ii desuka. |
Meaning | : | I have already late half an hour for my work (job), what should I supposed to do ? |
Based on the above example, we have to choose the most suitable answer given in the available option’s answer provided. Choose the verb and change it to one of the two Japanese grammar pattern shown in the book and presented in the above example. Below are all of the sample of answers of all the questions based on the full questions which can be seen in Minna Nihongo 2 book chapter 26 problem section part 6 page 8 :
Kanji :
来週の 日曜日 引っ越しするんですが、手伝っていただけませんか。
Hiragana :
らいしゅうの にちようび ひっこしするんですが、てつだっていただけませんか。
Romaji :
Raishuu no nichiyoubi hikkoshi surun desuga, tetsudatte itadakemasenka。
Meaning :
I am going to move (change residence) Sunday next week, could you please kindly lend me some help ? 。
Kanji :
歯が 痛いんですが、いい歯医者を 教えて いただけませんか。
Hiragana :
はが いたいんですが、 いいはいしゃをおしえて いただけませんか。
Romaji :
Ha ga itain desuga, ii haisha wo oshiete itadakemasenka ?.
Meaning :
My teeth is hurt, could you please kindly inform me a good dentist ?。
Kanji :
新聞社を 見学したいんですが、どこに 申し込んだら いいですか。
Hiragana :
しんぶんしゃを けんがくしたいんですが、どこに もうしこんだら いいですか。
Romaji :
Shinbunsha wo kengaku shitain desuga, doko ni moushikondara ii desuka.
Meaning :
I want to do some field trip study to a newspaper company, where should I propose (apply) ?
Kanji :
パスポートを なくしたんですが、どうしたら いいですか。
Hiragana :
パスポートを なくしたんですが、どうしたら いいですか。
Romaji :
Pasupo-to wo nakushitan desuga, doushitara ii desuka.
Meaning :
I lost my passport, what should I do (what should I supposed to do)?
All of the question displayed in form of short conversation can be viewed in Minna no Nihongo 2 Chapter 26 problem section part 6 on page 8.