Japanese Language Lesson Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 9 Section C Part 2

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Japanese Language Lesson Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 9 Section C Part 2

An article is created in this context using several Japanese language grammar pattern. The first one is expressing preference or the like of an item or subject which has already been discussed in the previous article. This Japanese language grammar pattern ‘ga suki’ is modified into an interrogative sentence in this context.

Another Japanese language grammar pattern is also used to express how to use Japanese language grammar pattern using ‘amari’ in order to describe the certain degree of an activity is done or an event occurred. Using the Japanese language grammar pattern ‘amari’ to express something which is a certain extent  not too much, seldom or rarely happened. It is used in a negative construction within a sentence. The other pattern which is also used in this article is the usage of particle kara which is utilized to express reason for activity done or event happened. For an exercise and for practising the above grammar pattern, there will be a question or problems provided in Minna no Nihongo 1 book chapter 9 section C part 2 in page 77. The answer must be created based on the conversation pattern given as an example in the book itself. The conversation given contains the above grammar pattern. The Japanese language grammar pattern and example concerning the usage it described earlier to answer all the problems or questions exists in Minna no Nihongo 1 book chapter 9 section C part 2 in page 77 will be shown below :

This is the first Japanese language grammar pattern using ‘ga suki’ in the form of interrogative sentence asking the preference or tendency to like the item or subject as follows :

Kanji : 。。。 好きですか
Hiragana : 。。。 すきですか
Romaji : 。。。 ga suki desuka
Meaning : 。。。 particle ga do you like ?

For an example :

Kanji : 辛い食べ物 好きですか
Hiragana : からいたべもの すきですか
Romaji : karai tabemono ga suki desuka
Meaning : spicy food particle ga do you like ?

The next pattern is the Japanese language grammar pattern -あまり「-amari」:

Kanji : 。。。 あまり 動詞「否定形」 。。。
Hiragana : 。。。 あまり どうし「ひていけい」 。。。
Romaji : 。。。 meishi doushi「hitei kei」 。。。
Meaning : 。。。 noun verb「negative form」 。。。

The above grammar’s pattern when it is combined with the previous example can be shown in the following example :

Kanji : A : 辛い食べ物が好きですか。
B : ええ、好きですが。。。あまり食べません。
Hiragana : A : からいたべものがあまりたべません。
B : ええ、すきですが。。。あまりたべません。
Romaji : A : karai tabemono ga amari tabemasen.
B : ee,suki desu ga … amari tabemasen.
Meaning : A : do you like spicy food ?
B : yes, I like it but … I rarely eat that much (I don’t eat that much)

The above example is using ‘taberu’ which means ‘to eat’ in a negative form since it is preceded with Japanese language grammar pattern ‘amari’. Another grammar pattern which is used in this article is the usage of particle kara. Below is the pattern :

Kanji : 。。。「理由・原因」 から
Hiragana : 。。。「りゆう・げんいん」 から
Romaji : 。。。「riyuu・genin」 から
Meaning : 。。。「reason・cause」 から

When the above example is combined with the other Japanese language grammar pattern as an additional example, it will be shown as follows :

Kanji : A : 辛い食べ物が好きですか。
B :




Hiragana : A : からいたべものがあまりたべません。
B :




Romaji : A : karai tabemono ga amari tabemasen.
B :

ee,suki desu ga … amari tabemasen.

suki dewa arimasen kara

「suki jya nai desukara」

Meaning : A : do you like spicy food ?
B :

yes, I like it but … I rarely eat that much (I don’t eat that much)

It is because I don’t like (it)

In the above Japanese language conversation given as an example to solve questions regarding problems given in Minna no Nihongo 1 chapter 9 section C part 2, below are all of the answers of all the questions which can be seen on it :


Kanji                   :

A          :旅行が 好きですか。

B           :ええ、好きですが。。。、あまりしません。

              お金が ありませんから。

Hiragana            :

A          :りょこうが すきですか。

B           :ええ、すきですが。。。、あまりしません。

              おかねが ありませんから。

Romaji               :

A          :ryokou ga suki desuka。

B           :ee, suki desu ga 。。。、amari shimasen。

              Okane ga arimasen kara。

Meaning             :

A          :do you like traveling ?。

B           :yes, I like (it) but, (I) rarely do。

              It is because (I) don’t have any money。


Kanji                   :

A          :カラオケが 好きですか。

B           :ええ、好きですが。。。あまり行きません。

              歌が 下手です。

Hiragana            :

A          :カラオケが すきですか。

B           :ええ、すきですが。。。あまりいきません。

              うたが へたです。

Romaji                 :

A          :karaoke ga suki desuka。

B           :ee, suki desu ga。。。amari  ikimasen。

              uta ga heta desu。

Meaning             :

A          :do you like karaoke ?。

B           :yes, (I) like it but。。。I rarely go。

                 I (am not good) suck at singing。


Kanji                   :

A          :スポーツが 好きですか。

B           :ええ、好きですが。。。あまり しません。


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