Japanese Language Lesson Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 9 Section B Part 7

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Japanese Language Lesson Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 9 Section B Part 7

In this article context, there will be a question or problems provided in Minna no Nihongo 1 book chapter 9 section B part 7 in page 76. The problems need to be answered in form of conversation. In the conversation itself, there are several Japanese Language grammar pattern which is used as part of the answer. The first one is the usage of ‘doushite’ which is actually an interrogative pronoun used to ask for a reason an event will happen or already occurred even for an activity is going to be formed or have already done. The other one is the usage of particle kara which is used to display a reason given as answer for the question asked with the interrogative pronoun ‘doushite’. Below is the pattern and example concerning the usage of Japanese language grammar pattern described earlier as means to answer all the problems or questions exists in Minna no Nihongo 1 book chapter 9 section B part 7 in page 76.

The overall grammar pattern using ‘doushite’ as interrogative pronoun and the usage of particle kara to present a reason:

Kanji A:  どうして 。。。
B:  。。。 から
Hiragana A: どうして 。。。
B:  。。。 から
Romaji A: doushite 。。。
B:  。。。 kara
Meaning A: why 。。。
B: 。。。 It is because of …

The above pattern can be used in a real situation with the following example :

Kanji : どうして病気になりましたか。
Hiragana : どうしてびょうきになりましたか。
Romaji : doushite byouki ni narimashitaka.
shigoto ga taihen ippai sugiru desu kara.
Meaning : why did you become sick?.
It is because the work are too much.

The interrogative pronoun ‘doushite’ used to ask for a reason an event occurred which in this case is the subject has become sick. Following the question, the answer given is presenting reason using particle ‘kara’ where the subject has too many work to be done, so he or she fell sick.

Based on the above example and patterns, below are all of the answers of all the questions which can be seen in Minna Nihongo book chapter 9 practice B part 7 page 76 :


Kanji                   :

どうして ワープロで 手紙を 書きますか。

。。。字が 下手ですから。

Hiragana            :

どうして ワープロで てがみを かきますか。

。。。じが へたですから。

Romaji               :

Doushite wa-puro de tegami wo kakimasuka。

。。。Ji ga heta desukara。

Meaning             :

Why do you write a letter with a word processor ?

… It because I (am not to good) sucks on letter.


Kanji                   :

どうして ご主人は テニスをしませんか。

。。。夫は スポーツが 嫌いですから。

Hiragana            :

どうして ごしゅじんは テニスをしませんか。

。。。おっとは スポーツが きらいですから。

Romaji                 :

Doushite goshujin wa tenisu wo shimasenka ?.

… otto wa supo-tsu ga kira desu kara.

Meaning             :

Why  does your husband doesn’t play tennis ?。

。。。It is because my husband hates sport。


Kanji                   :

どうして タイ語の 本を 買いましたか。

。。。来月 タイへ 行きますから。

Hiragana            :

どうして たいごの ほんを かいましたか。

。。。らいげつ タイへ いきますから。

Romaji               :

Doushite tai-go no hon wo kaimashitaka ?.

… raigetsu tai e ikimasukara.

Meaning           :

Why didn’t you buy Thai language book ?.

… It is because I will to to Thailand next month.


Kanji                   :

どうして きのう 神戸へ 行きませんでしたか。

。。。仕事が たくさん ありましたから。

Hiragana            :

どうして きのう こうへへ いきませんでしたか。

。。。しごとが たくさん ありましたから。

Romaji                 :

Doushite kinou koube e ikimasendeshitaka ?.

… shigoto ga takusan arimashitakara.

Meaning           :

Why didn’t you go to Kobe yesterday ?.

… It is because I have lots of works.

The full question which consists of several numbers can be seen completely in Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 9 Part 7 on page 75.








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