Japanese Language Lesson Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 9 Additional Section Part 5
Another article concerning how to answer the question with the suitable particle in Minna no Nihongo 1 book chapter 9 Additional Section part 5 in page 79. Particles such as ‘ga’ and ‘kara’ is the main particles used to answer several questions given is in the form of sentence. Those particles will be used to fill the part of the sentence which is in the empty bracket. Just select the suitable particle to fill the empty bracket so the right sentence will be created as a whole.
The example can be found in Minna no Nihongo 1 chapter 9 Additional Section part 5, below are all of the answers of all the questions which can be seen on it :
Kanji :
マリアさんは ダンス( が )上手です。
Hiragana :
マリアさんは ダンス( が )じょうずです。
Romaji :
Maria-san wa dansu ( ga ) jyouzu desu。
Meaning :
Maria is skillful at dancing.
(Maria dance skillfully).
The above question’s answer is particle ga. In this context, this particle is used to describe a value of aspect or the characteristic of the subject defined in the sentence. That value is skillful, clever and smart. And the aspect is about dancing which point out that the subject’s dance ability is skillful.
Kanji :
わたしは タイ語( が ) わかりません。
Hiragana :
わたしは タイご( が ) わかりません。
Romaji :
Watashi wa Tai-go ( ga ) wakarimasen。
Meaning :
I don’t understand Thailand language。
The above question’s answer is particle ga. Some verbs are paired with particle ‘ga’ aside from using particle ‘wo’. One of that verb is ‘wakaru’ since it is not actively done in an instance or at once but is a process which involve the condition or occurrences of will, volition, such as understanding, needing or being able.
Kanji :
日曜日 友達と 約束 ( が ) あります。
Hiragana :
にちようび ともだち と やくそく ( が ) あります。
Romaji :
Nichiyoubi tomodachi to yakusoku ( ga ) arimasu。
Meaning :
I have an appointment with my friend in Sunday。
This question also answered using particle ‘ga’. To describe the existence both moving objects such as human being or animal using ‘iru’ or generally static objects like plants or non-living things using ‘aru’, particle ‘ga’ is definitely the correct particle to be used.
Hiragana :
あしたは 忙しいです ( から )、 どこも 行きません。
Romaji :
Ashita wa isogashii desu ( kara ), doko mo ikimasen。
Meaning :
Tomorrow is busy so I don’t go anywhere。
The answer of this question is using particle ‘kara’. The function is already clear in the above context which is given a reason for activity which is going to be executed. Although the reason it is not going anywhere, is a reasonable one to be fitted with the cause described which the speaker had, that is being busy for tomorrow.
5.Answer :
Kanji :
どんな 映画 ( が ) 好きですか。
Hiragana :
どんな えいが ( が ) すきですか。
Romaji :
Donna eiga ( ga ) suki desuka.
Meaning :
What kind of movie (do you) like ?
The proper answer for the above question is particle ‘ga’. It has the same reason for the previous question. The word ‘suki’ which can be translated as ‘like, love’ involves process of feeling, subjective point of view from the speaker and it is not a directly action happened at once a time.
6.Answer :
Kanji :
歌 ( が )下手です( から )、カラオケが 嫌いです。
Hiragana :
うた ( が ) へたです ( から )、 カラオケが きらいです。
Romaji :
Uta ( ga ) heta desu ( kara ), karaoke ga kirai desu.
Meaning :
I am bad at singing so I hate karaoke.
The above question’s is using particle ‘ga’ and ‘kara’. Particle ‘ga’ is used whenever it is used to described certain aspect of the subject which is in this context is singing. The speaker said that he or she is bad at singing. The aspect is the singing aspect and the quality or value of the singing aspect of the subject is bad. It means that he or she is bad at singing.
The next particle, in the above question’s context is used to present a reason for something. In this case, the speaker is bad at singing which becomes a reason for he or she to hates karaoke using particle ‘kara’.
The full question which consists of several numbers can be seen completely in Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 9 Additional Section 5 on page 79.