Japanese Language Lesson Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 11 Section B Part 5
In this article, another Japanese grammar pattern is used to explain on how to ask how many times an activity actually happen periodically within a time frame or a period of time. All of the questions is given in Minna no Nihongo 1 book chapter 11 Section B Part 5 in page 92 which is going to be answered using the Japanese grammar pattern specified in this article. It is using an interrogative pronoun 「‘nan’(何・なん)」which is going to be combined with another counter for time, occurrence, and it is represented by a josuushi (じょすうし・助数詞)named ‘kai’(かい・回).
By using the combination defined in the above, the main goal for asking the time or occurrence of an activity, event happen can be asked with the help of this Japanese language grammar pattern. Below is the pattern of the Japanese language grammar :
Kanji | : | … | + | 何 | + | 回 | + | に | + | 目的語 | を | + | 動詞 |
Hiragana | : | … | + | なん | + | かい | + | に | + | もくてきご | を | + | どうし |
Romaji | : | … | + | nan | + | kai | + | ni | + | mokutekigo | wo | + | doushi |
Meaning | : | … | + | what | + |
time, occurrence |
+ | particle ni | + | object | particle wo | + | verb |
For an example :
Kanji | : | あの人 | + | は | + | 一週間 | + | に | 何回 | + | 運動しますか |
Hiragana | : | あのひと | + | は | + | いっしゅうかん | + | に | なんかい | + | うんどうしますか |
Romaji | : | ano hito | + | wa | + | isshuukan | + | ni | nankai | + | Undoushimasuka |
Meaning | : | that person | + | particle wa | + | in a week | + | particle ni | how many time | + | Exercise |
The translation from the above example is shown as below :
How many time do you exercise in a week.
The above example is asking the time or occurrence of the other party for taking an exercise within a week.
The question in this context only contains several keywords consisting of the period of time interval, the activity or event and the time occurrence of the activity happen in that period of time interval. For an example :
Kanji : 一週間・二回・運動します
Hiragana : いっしゅうかん・にかい・うんどうします
Romaji : isshuukan・nikai・undoushimasu
Meaning :
So, using the above keyword component into a conversation which is going to be a template to answer the question, below is how to use it :
Kanji :
あの人は 一週間に 何回運動しますか
Hiragana :
あのひとは いっしゅっかんに なんかいうんどうしますか
Romaji :
Ano hito wa isshuukan ni nankai undoushimasuka ?
…nikai undoushimasu.
Meaning :
That person how many time (he or she) taking an exercise in a week ?
…two times exercising.
Based on the above example which is also similar with the example given in Minna no Nihongo 1 book Chapter 11 Section B Part 5 at page 92, it can be used to answer the question given.
Below are the answers given to answer the question exist in Minna no Nihongo 1 book Chapter 11 Section B Part 5 at page 92.
Kanji :
一日に何回 彼女に 電話を かけますか。
。。。二回 かけます。
Hiragana :
いちにちになんかい かのじょに でんわを かけますか。
。。。にかい かけます。
Romaji :
Ichinichi ni nankai kanojyo ni denwa wo kakemasuka。
。。。nikai kakemasu。
Meaning :
How many times do you call her by phone in a day ?。
。。。(I) call two times。
Kanji :
一週間に 何回 日本語を 習いますか。
。。。三回 習います。
Hiragana :
いっしゅうかんに なんかい にほんごを ならいますか。
。。。さんかい ならいます。
Romaji :
Isshuukan ni nankai nihongo wo naraimasuka。
。。。sankai naraimasu。
Meaning :
How many times do you learn Japanese language in a week ?
。。。(I) study three times。
3. Answer
Kanji :
一ヶ月に 何回 東京へ 行きますか。
。。。一回 行きます。
Hiragana :
いっかげつに なんかい とうきょうへ いきますか。
。。。いっかい いきます。
Romaji :
Ikkagetsu ni nankai Toukyou e ikimasuka。
。。。ikkai ikimasu。
Meaning :
How many times do you go to Tokyo within a month ?Ikkagetsu ni nankai Toukyou e ikimasuka。
。。。(I) go once (one time)。
一年に 何回 国へ 帰りますか。
。。。一回 帰ります。
Hiragana :
いちねんに なんかい くにへかえりますか。
。。。いっかい かえります。
Romaji :
Ichinen ni nankai kuni e kaerimasuka。
。。。ikkai kaerimasu。
Meaning :
How many times do you come back (return) to your country ?。
。。。(I) return once (one time)。
The full question which consists of several numbers can be seen completely in Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 11 Section B Part 5 on page 92.