Japanese Language Lesson Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 11 Section B Part 4

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Japanese Language Lesson Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 11 Section B Part 4

This is another article which has the focus for asking about the number of the item described in an image or picture given in Minna no Nihongo 1 book chapter 11 Section B Part 4 in page 92 in order to answer the question. It is similar with the previous article, the usage of interrogative pronoun 「‘nan’(何・なん)」must be combined with the item which is being asked specifically when it will directly followed by another verb 「どうし・動詞」. The main purpose of that Japanese language grammar pattern is for asking the number of the item which is becoming the object of the activity described in the verb. Below is the pattern of the Japanese language grammar :

Kanji : 。。。 助数詞 動詞
Hiragana : 。。。 なん じょすうし どうし
Romaji : 。。。 wo nan jyosuushi doushi
Meaning : 。。。 particle wo what counter verb


For an example    :

Kanji : 育てますか
Hiragana : うさぎ なん びき そだてますか
Romaji : usagi wo nan biki sodatemasuka
Meaning : rabbit particle wo what noun raise


The translation from the above example is shown as below :

How many rabbit do you raise ?

The above counter for rabbit is using ‘hiki’ or ‘biki’. It is a counter used for small animal like rabbit. The verb which is used in the above example is ‘sodateru’ and it can be translated as ‘to raise, to take care’.

The Japanese grammar pattern in this article is focusing about the usage of Japanese counter called as ‘counter’and it is called as joosushi in Japanese language. It is combined with another verb used as the main activity modifying the item included in the question and the answer.

There are lots of items are there, in addition, there are many different categories furthermore in Japanese language which is used for specific item which has different counter for another item. For an example, an item which shaped as flat or thin object like paper, picture the correct counter to use in Japanese language is 「枚・まい(‘mai’)」. A different item such as machine, electronic device such as television or a vehicle such as car, bicycle, the counter which is used is 「台・だい(‘dai’)」. Another type as shown in the above example, 「曳・ひき」is a counter for small animal.

To make it closer with the example given in the book, below is the example of the conversation made to answer the question :

Kanji       :



Hiragana    :



Romaji            :

Usagi wo nan biki wo sodatemasuka。

。。。Ni hiki wo sodatemasu。

Meaning     :

How many rabbits do you raise (take care) ?

。。。(I) raise two rabbits。

As usual, the question consists of several images attached to describe the item which is being asked. Furthermore, there are keywords of verb which has to be used to create the conversation as shown in the example. Based on the item specified and also how many of them are there in the picture or the image, below are the answers given to answer the question exist in Minna no Nihongo 1 book Chapter 11 Section B Part 4 at page 92.

Below are the answers given to answer the question exist in Minna no Nihongo 1 book Chapter 11 Section B Part 4 at page 92.



Kanji       :

写真を 何枚 撮りましたか。


Hiragana    :

しゃしんを なんまい とりましたか。


Romaji            :

Shashin wo nanmai torimashitaka。

。。。go mai torimashita。

Meaning           :

How many picture (did you) take ?。

。。。five pieces taken。



Kanji       :

自転車を 何台 買いましたか。


Hiragana    :

じてんしゃを なんだい かいましたか。


Romaji            :

Jitensha wo nandai kaimashitaka。

。。。Nidai kaimashita。

Meaning           :

How many bicycle did you buy ?

。。。(I) bought two。


3. Answer

Kanji       :

みかんを 何個 食べましたか。

。。。五個 食べました。

Hiragana    :

みかんを なんこ たべましたか。

。。。ごこ たべました。

Romaji            :

Mikan wo nanko tabemashitaka ?.

。。。goko tabemashita。

Meaning           :

How many oranges did (you) eat

。。。(I) bought five oranges。



包みを何箱 送りました。

。。。8箱 送りました。

Hiragana    :

つつみをなんはこ おくりました。

。。。8はこ おくりました。

Romaji            :

Tsutsumi wo nan hako okurimashita。

。。。8 hako okurimashita。

Meaning           :

How many packages did you send (deliver) ?。

。。。8 packages delivered。


The full question which consists of several numbers can be seen completely in Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 11 Section B Part 4 on page 92.

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