Japanese Language Lesson Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 11 Section B Part 2
This is article which is made to answer the question given in Minna no Nihongo 1 book chapter 11 Section B Part 2 in page 91. The Japanese grammar pattern which is used as a main focus in this article is a Japanese grammar pattern for counting items or normally called as ‘counter’and it is called as joosushi in Japanese language. This counter is used for counting items in Japanese language.
Since there are many different items are there, furthermore in Japanese language there are many different classification available depends on the type of the item. For an example, the counter for flat or thin object like paper, picture, the correct counter to use in Japanese language is 「枚・まい(‘mai’)」. On the other hand for machine, electronic device such as television or a vehicle such as car, bicycle, the counter which is used is 「台・だい(‘dai’)」.
This is the conversation which is made as an example to answer the question :
Kanji :
鉛筆が 何本ありますか
Hiragana :
えんぴつが なんぼんありますか
Romaji :
Enpitsu ga nan bon arimasuka ?
。。。Roppon arimasu。
Meaning :
How many pencils are there ?
。。。There are six pencils。
In the above context, ぼん・ぽん 本(’bon / pon ‘)is used as a counter for pencils which is categorized as a item which has a long, cyllindrical shape.
The question contains several images which is used as base of the item for answering in form of a specific conversation. Looking at the item and also the number of the item depicted in the picture or the image, below are the answers given to answer the question exist in Minna no Nihongo 1 book Chapter 11 Section B Part 2 at page 91.
Kanji :
CDが 何枚ありますか。
Hiragana :
CDが なん枚ありますか。
Romaji :
CD ga nan mai arimasuka。
。。。5mai arimasu。
Meaning :
How many CD are there ?.
。。。There are 5 pieces。
In the above question, the answer is using ‘mai’ as the counter since the object shown in the question is a flat object as CD.
Kanji :
コンピューターが 何台ありますか。
。。。3台 あります。
Hiragana :
コンピューターが なんだいありますか。
。。。3だい あります。
Romaji :
Konpyu-ta- ga nan dai arimasuka。
。。。3 dai arimasu。
Meaning :
How many computer are there ?。
。。。There are 3 computers。
This question’s answer is using ‘dai’ as the counter since there is computer which is stated as the item counted. Computer is categorized as machine or electronic device so ‘dai’ is the counter to be used.
3. Answer
Kanji :
封筒が 何枚 ありますか。
。。。2枚 あります。
Hiragana :
ふうとうが なんまい ありますか。
。。。2まい あります。
Romaji :
Fuutou ga nan mai arimasuka。
。。。2 mai arimasu。
Meaning :
How many envelope are there ?。
。。。There are 2 pieces。
The correct answer is ‘mai’ for the counter in this question. Another item which is classified as a flat object is spotted in the question. So, the correct counter is using ‘mai’.
Kanji :
。。。5台 あります。
Hiragana :
。。。5だい あります。
Romaji :
Jidousha ga nan dai arimasuka。
。。。5dai arimasu。
Meaning :
How many cars are there ?.
。。。There are five cars。
This question’s answer is using ‘dai’ as the counter since there is a vehicle which is ‘car’ in this context.
The full question which consists of several numbers can be seen completely in Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 11 Section B Part 2 on page 91.