Japanese Language Lesson Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 11 Additional Section Part 7
Providing several questions in Minna no Nihongo 1 book Chapter 11 in Additional Section Part 7 in page 95 for practicing on using several Japanese language grammar pattern studied before in the previous article is the main goal of this article. The problem is made consisting of several sentences which is used to describe several information. Based on the information given in the form of sentences, the next thing to be done is answering the question given.
Below are the problems and also the answers given in Minna no Nihongo 1 book Chapter 11 Additional Section Part 7 at page 95 :
Kanji :
田中さんは ご主人と 子供が 二人 います。 田中さんの 家族は 全部で 何人いますか。
Hiragana :
たなかさんは ごしゅじんと こどもが ふたり います。 たなかさんの かぞくは ぜんぶで なんにんいますか。
Romaji :
Tanaka-san wa goshujin to kodomo ga futari imasu。 Tanaka-san no kazoku wa zenbu de nan nin imasuka。
。。。yon nin imasu。
Meaning :
Tanaka has a husband and two children。 How many person are there in Tanaka’s family ?。
。。。There are four (person)。
As we can see from the information given in the question in form of a passage, she and her husband with her two children will make the number of her family into four person.
Kanji :
りんごを 15 もらいました。4つ 食べました。 隣の うちの 人に 6つ あげました。今 りんごが いくつ ありますか。
。。。5つ あります。
Hiragana :
りんごを 15 もらいました。4つ たべました。 となりの うちの ひとに 6つ あげました。いま りんごが いくつ ありますか。
。。。5つ あります。
Romaji :
Ringo wo 15 moraimashita。4tsu tabemashita。 Tonari no uchi no hito ni 6tsu agemashita。Ima ringo ga ikutsu arimasuka。
。。。5tsu arimasu。
Meaning :
I received 15 apples。I ate 4。 I age 6 of them to my neighbor。Right now, how many apples are there ?。
。。。There are 5。
The correct answer is 5 apples are there which is left. Because the other 10 apples, 4 of them already been eaten, 6 of them was given to the speaker’s neigbour. So, 10 apples are not exist anymore which that will make 15 apples becoming only left just 5 apples.
3. Answer
Kanji :
80円の 切手を 5枚と、50円の 切手を 5枚 買います。全部で いくらですか。
Hiragana :
80えんの きってを 5まいと、50えんの きってを 5まい かいます。ぜんぶで いくらですか。
Romaji :
80 en no kitte wo 5 mai to, 50 en no kitte wo 5 mai kaimasu。Zenbu de ikura desuka。
。。。650en desu。
Meaning :
(I) buy 5 pieces of 80 yen stamps and 5 pieces of 50 yen stamps. How much it cost for all of them ?。
。。。650yen desu。
There are two types of stamps bought. The first one is the 80 yen stamps which is bought 5 pieces and it will costs for 400 yen. The second stamp, the 50 yen stamps which also bought 5 pieces, it will costs for 250 yen. So, overall the price is 650 yen.
4. Answer
Kanji :
わたしは 中国を 3か月 習いました。1か月に 8回 勉強しました。1回は 2時間です。全部で 何時間 習いましたか。
Hiragana :
わたしは ちゅうごくを 3かげつ ならいました。1かげつに 8かい べんきょうしました。1かいは 2じかんです。ぜんぶで なんじかん ならいましたか。
Romaji :
Watashi wa chuugoku wo 3ka (sanka) getsu naraimashita。1ka (ikka) getsu ni 8kai (hakkai) benkyoushimashita。1kai (ikkai) wa 2 (ni) jikan desu。zenbu de nanjikan naraimashitaka。
。。。48(yonjyu hachi) jikan desu。
Meaning :
I studied Chinese language for three months。I studied 8 times in a month。1 time takes 2 hours。Overall, how many hours did (I) study?。
。。。48 hours。
It is obvious, the answer is 48 hours. Since, A month will take 16 hours because 1 time takes 2 hours, so for 8 times a month it will take 16 hours. If it is 3 months, there will be 48 hours which has already taken to study Chinese language.
The counter for apple is using the normal counter. Since there are five apples, it is written as ‘itsutsu’.
The full question which consists of several numbers can be seen completely in Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 11 Additional Section Part 7 on page 95.