Japanese Language Lesson Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 10 Section B Part 3
In this article, there will be a full image consists of several things and items scattered around which is picturing large house with entire part including its garden or courtyard. Moreover, the picture also has several people in it located in different places. Based on the image presented in Minna no Nihongo 1 book chapter 10 Section B Part 3 in page 83, answer all of the questions with the help of several vocabularies. With those vocabularies, create a full sentence in form of a question and answer the question based on the image given.
For an example, the following vocabularies :
Kanji : テーブル・何
Hiragana : テーブル・なに
Romaji : te-buru・nani
Meaning : table・what
Based on the above vocabularies, below is the question which can be made :
Kanji : テーブルの上に 何が ありますか
Hiragana : テーブルのうえに なにが ありますか
Romaji : Te-buru no ue ni nani ga arimasuka
Meaning : What is there on the table ?
The answer which is created on the above question based on the image presented is :
Kanji : 鞄があります。
Hiragana : かばんがあります。
Romaji : kaban ga arimasu.
Meaning : there is a bag.
The example for answering the question can also be seen in the part of Minna no Nihongo 1 book chapter 10 Section B Part 3 in page 83. Below are the answers given to answer the question exist in Minna no Nihongo 1 book Chapter 10 Section B Part 2 at page 83.
Kanji :
ベッドの下に 何が ありますか。
Hiragana :
ベッドのしたに なにが ありますか。
Romaji :
Beddo no shita ni nani ga arimasuka ?
… kuroi hako ga arimasu.
Meaning :
What is under the bed ?。
。。。There is a black box。
Kanji :
部屋の中に 誰が いますか。
。。。へやのなかに だれが いますか。
。。。妹が います。
。。。子供が います。
。。。女の子が います。
。。。娘が います。
。。。子娘が います
Hiragana :
へやの なかに だれが いますか。
。。。いもうとが います。
。。。こどもが います。
。。。おんなのこが います。
。。。むすめが います。
。。。こむすめが います
Romaji :
Heya no naka ni dare ga imasuka。
。。。imouto ga imasu。
。。。kodomo ga imasu。
。。。onna no ko ga imasu。
。。。musume ga imasu。
。。。komusume ga imasu。
Meaning :
Who is there inside the room ?。
。。。my younger sister is there。
。。。a child is there。
。。。a little girl is there。
。。。my daughter is there。
。。。a young girl is there。
* The answer can be vary since the interpretation of a young girl can be describe with several Japanese vocabularies.
3. Answer
Kanji :
窓の左に 何が ありますか。
。。。カレンダーが あります。
Hiragana :
まどのひだりに なにが ありますか。
。。。カレンダーが あります。
Romaji :
Mado no hidari nani ga arimasuka。
。。。Karenda- ga arimasu。
。。。Nani mo arimasen。
Meaning :
What is in the left of the window ?。
。。。There is a calendar。
。。。There is nothing at all。
* There is two answers in this question made depends on the point of view or the perspective of the viewer. In the reader’s perspective
Kanji : 冷蔵庫の中に たくさん食べ物が あります。
Hiragana : れいぞうこのなかに たくさんたべものが あります。
Romaji : Reizouko no naka ni takusan tabemono ga arimasu.
Meaning : There are lots of food inside the refrigerator.
The full question which consists of several numbers can be seen completely in Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 10 Section B Part 3 on page 83.