Japanese Language Lesson Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 10 Additional Section Part 5
Another article which is created for testing the understanding of Japanese language grammar concern which is using the right particle to be filled in the empty brackets of sentences given as questions in Minna no Nihongo 1 book chapter 10 Additional Section Part 5 in page 87. Below are the answers given to answer the question exist in Minna no Nihongo 1 book Chapter 10 Additional Section Part 5 at page 85.
Kanji :
消しゴムは かばんの 中(に)あります。
Hiragana :
けしゴムは かばんの なか(に)あります。
Romaji :
Keshigomu wa kaban no naka (ni) arimasu。
Meaning :
The eraser is inside the bag。
In this question, the particle used as an answer is particle ni. It is a particle used to indicate a place or a location which in this context is inside the bag.
Kanji :
タクシー乗り場(の)近く (に)ポストが あります。
Hiragana :
タクシーのりば(の)ちかく (に)ポストが あります。
Romaji :
Takushi- noriba(no)chikaku(ni)posuto ga arimasu。
Meaning :
There is a post office near the taxi stop (stand, platform)。
In this question, the answer is the same one with the first question. It is particle ni which is used to indicate a place or location. It is a taxi stop or taxi platform.
Kanji :
花屋(は)スーパー(と)銀行(の)間に あります。
Hiragana :
はなや(は)スーパー(と)ぎんこう(の)あいだに あります。
Romaji :
Hanaya (wa) su-pa- (to) ginkou (no) aida ni arimasu。
Meaning :
The flower shop is in the middle of supermarket and bank。
In this question, the answer is using several combination of particles. Particle wa in this context is used to describe topic of a sentence. In this case, it is the flower shop. The next particle which is particle to is a particle to join nouns and it can be translated as ‘and’. It is joining the noun ‘supermarket’and ‘bank’. The next particle which is particle no, it is used to modify noun. It gives further information that it is between the supermarket and the bank.
4. Answer
Kanji :
Hiragana :
Romaji :
Kouen (ni) dare (mo) imasen。
Meaning :
There is no one in the park。
The answer for this question is particle ni for the first particle. It is used to indicate the location of a place. Another particle chosen for the answer is particle mo. This particle is used to indicate total negation and describe negativity for the existence of living being. It is followed with a negative verb.
5. Answer
Kanji :
事務所に ファクス(や)パソコンなど(が)あります。
Hiragana :
じむしょに ファクス(や)パソコンなど(が)あります。
Romaji :
Jimusho ni fakusu (ya) pasokon nado (ga) arimasu。
Meaning :
There is a fax, personal computer among them in the office。
The correct answer for this question is particle ya which is used to enumerate or to state several things in sequence of list. The next answer is using particle ga to describe the existence of the things mentioned before in sequence.
All the questions which are sentences with empty brackets to be filled is available in Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 10 Additional Section Part 5 on page 87.