Japanese Language Lesson Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 10 Additional Section Part 4
This is an article made to discuss several questions given in Minna no Nihongo 1 book chapter 10 Additional Section Part 4 in page 85. In this section, the ability to use clauses relate to the existence, non-existence even asking about the existence of a subject which is being discussed is tested in this part.
The clause ‘ga arimasu’ or ‘ga imasu’ which can be converted in a negative form or an interrogative form is used as the answer for the question given in this part. By filling the empty bracket which is part of the sentence given as the question in this part with one of those clauses’form based on the tone of the sentence, it is important to choose the right one. Below is an example of how to use it which is pretty similar with the one used in the question given in this part.
Sentence’s example using ‘arimasu’ :
Kanji :そこの売り場で緑鞄があります。
Hiragana :そこのうりばでみどりかばんがあります。
Romaji :soko no uriba de midori kaban ga arimasu。
Meaning :there is a green bag at that counter。
In the above example, the clause ‘ga arimasu’ is used to inform the existence of a subject which is a non-living thing. It is a green bag in a counter sale.
Sentence’s example using ‘imasu’ :
Kanji :今日は残業のしてから事務所で私とほかの三人がいます。
Hiragana :きょうはざんぎょうしてからじむしょでわたしとほかのさんにんがいます。
Romaji :kyou wa zangyou shite kara jimusho de watashi to hoka no sannin ga imasu。
Meaning :today, because of working overtime I and the other three person is in the office.
In the above example, the clause ‘ga imasu’has the function for showing the existence of living being. It is where the speaker and other three of the speaker’s co-worker exist in the office.
Sentence ‘s example using ‘arimasen’ :
Kanji : その黒い箱の中に何も(ありません)。
Hiragana : そのくろいはこのなかになにも(ありません)。
Romaji : Sono kuroi hako no naka ni nani mo (arimasen)。
Meaning : There is nothing inside that black box。
The above example is using particle ‘mo’ is emphasizing a total negation which is needed to be followed with the negative verb‘arimasen’ and it is expressing that there are nothing at all inside the box. In this context, ‘arimasen’ is picked as the correct clause since the purpose aim to show the inexistence of non-living thing.
Sentence’s example using ‘imasen’ :
Kanji : 教室の中に誰も(いません)。
Hiragana : きょうしつのなかにだれもいません。
Romaji : Kyoushitsu no naka ni dare mo imasen。
Meaning : There is no one inside the class。
In the above example, it has the same tone with the above example, the different is the clause ‘imasen’ is a negative form used to shown inexistence of a living thing which is the presence of someone inside the class in the above example.
Another example is shown as follows :
Kanji : 教室の中に誰も(いません)。
Hiragana : きょうしつのなかにだれもいません。
Romaji : Kyoushitsu no naka ni dare mo imasen。
Meaning : There is no one inside the class。
As shown in the other article before, this article is also used to discuss the location or position of an item which is form in a conversation. In the conversation, there is a question made to ask the existence of a certain place using ‘ga arimasu’ as the clause used in Japanese language grammar pattern. More over, if it exists, the next question is asking the exact location of the place itself. The question given is in the form of vocabularies given along with an image which is shown.
The position of that certain place asked is relative to another place which is shown in image as the base location. Its position will be stated using the right preposition which is using the other place as the base location.
To make it clear, an example is given to answer the question which is also similar with the example given in Minna no Nihongo 1 book chapter 10 Additional Section Part 4 is shown below :
Kanji :
A : あのう、近くに ヘリポートが ありますか。
B : ええ。あそこに 高い ビルが ありますね。あの 上です。
A : わかりました。どうも。
Hiragana :
A : あのう、ちかくに ヘリポートが ありますか。
B : ええ。あそこに たかい ビルが ありますね。あの うえです。
A : わかりました。どうも。
Romaji :
A :Anou、chikaku ni heripo-to ga arimasuka。
B :Ee。Asoko ni takai biru ga arimasu ne。Ano ue desu。
A :Wakarimashita。Doumo。
Meaning :
A :Excuse me, is there any heliport (helipad) near by ?。
B :Yes。There is a tall building over there。It is on top of it (the tall building)。
A :Understood。Thanks。
On the above example, the tall building is used as a reference for location the place which is asked in the question. In this context, the place itself is a heliport (helipad).
Example for answering the question itself can also be seen in Minna no Nihongo 1 book chapter 10 Additional Section Part 4 in page 85. Below are the answers given to answer the question exist in Minna no Nihongo 1 book Chapter 10 Additional Section Part 4 at page 85.
Kanji :
ワイン売り場は 地下に(あります)。
Hiragana :
ワインうりばは ちかに(あります)。
Romaji :
Wain uriba wa chika ni (arimasu)。
Meaning :
The wine counter is in the basement。
Kanji :
犬は どこに (います)か。
Hiragana :
いぬは どこに (います)か。
Romaji :
Inu wa doko ni (imasu) ka。
Meaning :
Where is the dog。
Kanji :
あそこに 小さい 男の 子が(います)。
Hiragana :
あそこに ちいさい おとこの こが(います)。
Romaji :
Asoko ni chiisai otoko no ko ga (imasu)。
Meaning :
There is a little boy over there。
Kanji :
冷蔵庫の 中に 何も (ありません)。
Hiragana :
れいぞうこの なかに なにも (ありません)。
Romaji :
Reizouko no naka ni nani mo (arimasen)。
Meaning :
There is nothing in the fridge (refrigerator)。
Kanji :
事務所に だれも(いません)。
Hiragana :
じむしょに だれも(いません)。
Romaji :
Jimusho ni dare mo (imasen)。
Meaning :
There is no one in the office。
All the questions which are sentences with empty brackets to be filled is available in Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 10 Additional Section Part 4 on page 86.