In this article, there is no specific focus on the discussion. In other words, there is no one specific grammar pattern for further explanation. The main purpose of this article is just to answer all of the available questions in Shin Nihongo no Kiso 1 chapter 9 problem section part 3 in page 76.
Problem Solving
In order to look at the full questions, just search it in Shin Nihongo no Kiso I chapter 9 problem section part 3 in page 76. The following is the answers for all of the questions exist in that part :
1. Answer
Kanji :
アリさんは 歌 ( が )上手です。
Hiragana :
アリさんは うた ( が )じょうずです。
Romaji :
Ari-san wa uta ( ga ) jyouzu desu.
Meaning :
Ari-san is great at singing.
The answer is particle ‘ga’. Because it is specifying an attribute or a character of a subject. In this context, the subject is ‘Ari-san’ and the characteristic of the subject is his or her singing ability is great.
2. Answer
Kanji :
どんな スポーツ( が )好きですか。
Hiragana :
どんな スポーツ( が )すきですか。
Romaji :
Donna supo-tsu ( ga ) suki desuka ?.
Meaning :
What kind of sport do you like ?.
The answer is also particle ‘ga’. It is because the question relates with the involvement of feeling or specific subjective preference of someone using a specific adjective. Since there is an adjective above which is ‘suki’ or like, the correct usage particle is the particle ‘ga’.
3. Answer
Kanji :
感じ( が )全然 わかりません。
かんじ( が )ぜんぜん わかりません。
Romaji :
Kanji( ga )zenzen wakarimasen。
Meaning :
I don’t understand kanji at all。
The above answer is also using particle ‘ga’. Because it is using a verb where it is actually relates with the conditions or occurrences involving part or overall of human decision or human will. It is reg arding on the volitional aspect of human such as understand or ‘wak aru’. Just retrieve it from ‘wakarimasen’ which is the negative form of the verb ‘wakaru’.
4. Answer
Kanji :
わたしは 魚 ( が ) きらいですから、 魚 ( を ) 食べません。
わたしは さかな ( が ) きらいですから、 さかな ( を ) たべません。
Romaji :
Watashi wa sakana ( ga ) kirai desukara、 sakana( wo ) tabemasen。
Meaning :
Although I don’t hate fish, I don’t eat fish。
The above answer is also using particle ‘ga’. The reason is similar with the one in the third question. There is an adjective ‘kirai’ which means dislike. It is a preference involving subjective judgement or emotional feeling of someone. The other bracket is using particle ‘wo’. It is because the word ‘sakana’which means ‘fish’ is a direct object of the verb ‘taberu’which means ‘to eat’.
5. Answer
Kanji :
時間 ( が ) ありませんから、 タクシーで 行きましょう。
Hiragana :
じかん ( が ) ありませんから、 タクシーで いきましょう。
Romaji :
Jikan( ga ) arimasen kara、 takushi- de ikimashou。
Meaning :
Since we don’t have time, let’s go by taxi。
The last answer is also using the particle ‘ga’. It is to express the existence of something. In this context, it is pointing to a noun.It is time. The complete question is displayed in Shin Nihongo no Kiso 1 chapter 9 problem section part 3 on page 76.