Japanese Language Book Shin Nihongo no Kiso 1 Chapter 8 Section B Part 5 in Page 66
Solving problems exists in Shin Nihongo no Kiso 1 book chapter 8 Section B Part 5 in page 141 is just answering the question provided in the problem using the keyword given which is in form of adjective. There are two types of adjective including the -i type adjective and also the -na type adjective. The answer is in positive tone and it is done just by adding suffix ‘-desu’ to make it formal or to make it polite. Below is the pattern and also the example for doing it :
Pattern :
Kanji : 形容詞・形容動詞 + です
Hiragana : けいようし・けいようどうし + です
Romaji : keiyoushi ・keiyoudoushi + desu
Meaning : -i type adjective ・-na type adjective + suffix -desu
The example given in this part is given in the similar example given in the book in form of conversation as shown below :
Kanji :
Hiragana :
Romaji :
Nihon de natsu yasumi wo sugosu koto wa dou desuka。
。。。Taihen wasuregatai desu。
Meaning :
How is (the feeling) spending summer holiday at Japan ?。
。。。It is really unforgettable。
The above example for the answer part is using ‘wasuregatai’ which is an -i type adjective means ‘unforgettable’. It is ended with suffix -desu to state a polite or a formal answer.
Below are the answers given to answer the question exist in Shin Nihongo no Kiso 1 book Chapter 8 Section B Part 5 at page 66 :
- Answer
Kanji :
日本語の 勉強は どうですか。
Hiragana :
にほんごの べんきょうは どうですか。
Romaji :
Nihongo no benkyou wa dou desuka。
。。。Omoshiroi desu。
Meaning :
How is the Japanese study ?。
。。。It is fun (interesting)。
Kanji :
試験は どうですか。
Hiragana :
しけんは どうですか。
Romaji :
Shiken wa dou desuka。
。。。Yasashii desu。
Meaning :
How is the exam ?.
。。。It is easy。
3. Answer
Kanji :
東京は どうですか。
Hiragana :
とうきょうは どうですか。
Romaji :
Toukyou wa dou desuka。
。。。Nigiyaka desu。
Meaning :
How is Tokyo ?.
。。。It is lively (crowded)。
Kanji :
日本の カメラは どうですか。
。。。大変 いいです。
Hiragana :
にほんの カメラは どうですか。
。。。たいへん いいです。
Romaji :
Nihon no kamera wa dou desuka。
。。。Taihen ii desu。
Meaning :
How is Japanese camera ?.
。。。It is very good。
The full question which consists of several numbers in form of sentence can be seen completely in Shin Nihongo no Kiso 1 Chapter 8 Section B Part 5 on page 66.