Japanese Language Book Shin Nihongo no Kiso 1
Chapter 6 Drill Section A Part 2
This is an article which is also summarizes all of the previous lessons used to discuss several usage of particles. Those are tested by answering several questions exist as part of Japanese lesson in Shin Nihongo no Kiso Japanese language lesson book on 1 chapter 6 drill section part 5. The most important thing is to choose and to fill the blank in the question given as part of the sentence with the right one between particles which have been studied before. So, based on the previous lesson which has already been discussed before, choose the most suitable combination of interrogative pronoun and particle to be used to fill in the blank inside the question provided as part of the lesson.
We will also give not only the question displayed in the lesson but also the suitable to the answer. The question is displayed in Shin Nihongo no Kiso 1 chapter 6 drill section part 5 on page 51. Below are the answers :
Kanji :
わたしは 毎日 センター(で)日本語(を)勉強します。
日本語(の)勉強は 朝9時(から)12時(まで)です。
午後は 講義です。講義は 2時(に)です。5時(に)終わります。
Hiragana :
わたしは まいにち センター(で) にほんご(を) べんきょうします。
にほんご(の)べんきょうは あさ9じ(から)12じ(まで)です。
ごごは こうぎです。こうぎは 2じ(に)です。5じ(に)おわります。
Romaji :
Watashi wa mai nichi senta- (de) nihongo (wo) benkyou shimasu. Nihongo (no) benkyou wa asa 9ji (kara) 12ji (made) desu. Gogo wa kougi desu. Kougi wa 2ji (ni) desu. 5ji (ni) owarimasu.
Meaning :
Everyday I learn Japanese language at the center. Japanese language study starts in the morning from 9 o’clock until 12 o’clock. The afternoon is the lecture. The lecture is in 2 o’clock. It ends in 5 o’clock.
Kanji :
わたしは きのう 佐藤さん(と)横浜(で)映画を 見ました。映画は 6時(に)終わりました。それから いっしょに 晩ごはん(を)食べました。
Hiragana :
わたしは きのう さとうさん(と)よこはま(で)えいがを みました。えいがは 6じ(に) おわりました。それから いっしょに ばんごはん(を)たべました。
Romaji :
Watashi wa kinou Satou-san (to) Yokohama (de) eiga wo mimashita。Eigawa 6ji (ni) owarimashita. Sorekara isshoni ban gohan (wo) tabemashita.
Meaning :
I watched movie at Yokohama with Satou yesterday。The movie ended at 6 o’clock. After that (we) ate dinner together.
The complete question is displayed in Shin Nihongo no Kiso 1 book chapter 6drill section part 5 on page 51.