Japanese Language Book Shin Nihongo no Kiso 1 Chapter 12 Section B Part 1 in Page 97

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This is an article where the main focus is to give description for answering specific type of question in Shin Nihongo no Kiso I book. Actually, the problem available in the book. The question itself is available in Chapter 12 Section C Part 1 in page 97.  The answer is very simple to solve the problem. Just change it into a past form. Using the example pattern below to answer the question. The following is that grammar pattern along with the example :

Pattern :

Kanji : Aは






Hiragana : Aは






Romaji : A wa ikura desuka
Meaning : A was noun.


Using the above pattern, below is an example of the sentence for answering the question :

Kanji : 去年は私が金持ちでした。
Hiragana : きょねんはわたしがかねもちでした。
Romaji : Kyonen wa watashi ga kanemochi deshita.
Meaning : Last year, I am rich.


The above example is an example for using the past form of a noun. There is an additional suffix in the end of the noun. That suffix is ‘-deshita’ which is indicating that it is in the past. Since there is a time line marker which is ‘last year’, the form must be in the past form. So, in order to change it into a past form, the normal suffix ‘-desu’ must be changed into the past form. The past form of suffix ‘-desu’ is ‘-deshita’. Moreover, the following is the answer sheet of the problems or questions exist in Shin Nihongo no Kiso I Chapter 12 Section B Part 1 in page 97 :

  1. Answer :Kanji :先週は 暇でした。Hiragana :せんしゅうは ひまでした。

    Romaji :

    Senshuu wa hima deshita.

    Meaning :

    Last week (I) was free.

  2. Answer :Kanji :先月は 忙しかったです。Hiragana :せんげつは いそがしかったです。

    Romaji :

    Sengetsu wa isogashikatta desu.

    Meaning :

    Last month (I) was busy.

  3. Answer :Kanji :昨日は いい 天気でした。Hiragana :きのうは いい てんきでした。

    Romaji :

    Kinou wa ii tenki deshita.

    Meaning :

    Yesterday the weather was nice.

  4. Answer :Kanji :一昨日は 暖かったですHiragana :おとといは あたたかったです。

    Romaji :

    Ototoi wa atatakatta desu.

    Meaning :

    The day before yesterday (two days ago) was warm.

  5. Answer :Kanji :昨日は 休みでした。Hiragana :きのうは やすみでした。

    Romaji :

    Kinou wa yasumi deshita.

    Meaning :

    Yesterday was a holiday

Basically, those are the possible answers for the questions sheets where it is available in Shin Nihongo no Kiso I Chapter 11 Section C Part 3 in page 91.

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