Japanese Language Book Shin Nihongo no Kiso 1 Chapter 11 Additional Section Part 3 in Page 92

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Another specific article discussing on how to answer questions available in Shin Nihongo no Kiso I book. The questions is in the form of a sentence. But the sentence itself is not in its complete form. There is an empty part in it as part of the problem. That empty part actually is in a bracket with a number in it. The only way to answer the question or solve the problem is by complete the sentence using the number and the counter suffix. That counter suffix will be different depends on the number and also the type of the noun which is being counted. In Japanese language, different noun can have different counter suffix. The question itself is available in Chapter 11 Additional Section Part 3 in page 92.  The following is the pattern for answering the question or solving the problem :

Pattern :

Kanji : Aは



助数詞 あります・います
Hiragana : Aは






じょすうし あります・います
Romaji : A wa kazu jyosuushi ga arimasu / imasu
Meaning : There is (a number) of A.


The example below is using the above pattern as follow :

Kanji : 冷蔵庫で卵は十個があります。
Hiragana : れいぞうこでたまごはじゅっこがあります。
Romaji : Reizouko de tamago wa jyukko ga arimasu.
Meaning : There is ten eggs in the refrigerator.


In the example above, it is only in a form of sentence. The sentence is showing on how to use a specific counter suffix for a noun. The noun in the above example is an egg. For a small object like egg, the counter suffix is ‘個’ (ko). So, for then egg, it will be 十個(jyukko). So, the other problems available in  Shin Nihongo no Kiso I Chapter 11 Additional Section Part 3 in page 92 will also be using an appropriate counter suffix (josuushi) according to its noun as follows :

  1. Kanji :うちに テレビが (2台)あります。

    Hiragana :

    うちに テレビが (2だい)あります。

    Romaji :

    Uchi ni terebi ga (ni dai) arimasu.

    Meaning :

    We have two television.

  2. Kanji :60円の 切手を (4枚)ください。

    Hiragana :

    60えんの きってを (4まい)ください。

    Romaji :

    Rokujyuu en no kitte wo yon mai kudasai.

    Meaning :

    Please give me four pieces stamp 0f 60 yen.

  3. Kanji :りんごを(六個)買いました。

    Hiragana :


    Romaji :

    Ringo wo (rokko) kaimashita.

    Meaning :

    I bought six apples.

  4. Kanji :この 工場に ひとが (千人)ぐらい います。

    Hiragana :

    この こうじょうに ひとが (せんり)ぐらい います。

    Romaji :

    Kono koujyou ni hito ga (senri) gurai imasu.

    Meaning :

    There are about one thousand people in this factory.

  5. Kanji :わたしの 兄弟は (三人)です。

    妹が (二人)と弟が(一人)います。

    Hiragana :

    わたしの きょうだいは (さんにん)です。

    いもうとが (ふたり)とおとうとが(ひとり)います。

    Romaji :

    Watashi no kyoudai wa (sannin) desu.

    Imouto ga (futari) to otouto ga (hitori) imasu.

    Meaning :

    I have three siblings.

    Two younger sisters and one younger brother.

So, those are the possible answers for the questions sheets where it is available in Shin Nihongo no Kiso I Chapter 11 Additional Section Part 3 in page 92.

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