Japanese Language Book Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 21 Section C Part 3 in Page 177

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Japanese Language Book Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 21 Section C Part 3 in Page 177

This is another article which is stating an opinion of another person. So, the conversation pattern exist as part of the problem or question given in the book. It is exist in Minna no Nihongo 1 Book Chapter 21 Section C Part 3 in page  177. Actually,the conversation starts from a person or a speaker which is giving an interrogative question. In other words, it is asking for an agreement or conviction about a certain or matter. The grammar pattern for achieving that person exist in the ending of the sentence using ‘–deshou ?’. It can be translated as ‘isn’t it ?’.

The other person or the other speaker is giving a positive response. It is done by agreeing to the question given about that certain subject or matter. But in the end, the other person or the speaker is also stating or giving opinion about that certain subject or matter. But the opinion has a negative tone instead of positive one. The following is an example which is depicting the conversation pattern in order to answer the problem or the question exist.

Kanji :

A : 今日の試験 は 簡単しょう?。

B :ええ、ほんとうに 簡単ですね。でも、満点は 取らないと 思います。

Hiragana :

A : きょうのしけん は かんたんしょう?。

B :ええ、ほんとうに かんたんすね。でも、まんてんは とらない と おもいます。

Romaji :

A : kyou no shiken  wa kantan deshou ?.

B : Ee, hontou ni kantan desu ne. Demo, manten wa toranai to omoimasu

Meaning :

A:today’s exam is easy isn’t it ?.

B:Yes, it is really easy. But, I think I cannot get a perfect score.


Finally, just use the above conversation pattern as an example to answer the problem or the question. So, below are an alternative answers for the question exist in Minna No Nihongo 1 Book, Chapter 21 Section C Part 3 in page 177 :


  1. Answer :

    Kanji  :

    A : 朝の ラッシュは すごいでしょう?。

    B :ええ、ほんとうに すごいですね。でも、しかたがないと 思います。

    Hiragana :

    A : あさの ラッシュは すごいでしょう?。

    B :ええ、ほんとうに すごいですね。でも、しかたがないと おもいます。

    Romaji :

    A : Asa no rassha- wa sugoi deshou ?.

    B : Ee, hontou ni sugoi desu ne. Demo, shikataga nai to omoimasu

    Meaning :

    A:Morning rush hour is amazing isn’t it ?.

    B:Yes, it is really amazing. But, I think there is nothing you can do about it (you do not have any choice).

  2. Answer :

    Kanji  :

    A : 相撲は おもしろいでしょう?。

    B :ええ、ほんとうに おもしろいですね。でも、チケットが高いと 思います。

    Hiragana :

    A : すもうは おもしろいでしょう?。

    B :ええ、ほんとうに おもしろいですね。でも、チケットがたかいと おもいます。

    Romaji :

    A : Sumou wa omoshiroi deshou ?.

    B : Ee, hontou ni omoshiroi desu ne. Demo, chiketto ga takai to omoimasu

    Meaning :

    A:Sumo is interesting isn’t it ?.

    B:Yes, it is really interesting. But I think the ticket is expensive.

  3. Answer :

    Kanji  :

    A : 日本人は 電車で よく 得るでしょう?。

    B :ええ、ほんとうに 電車で よく 寝るですね。でも、危ないと 思います。

    Hiragana :

    A : にほんじんは でんしゃで よく ねるでしょう?。

    B :ええ、ほんとうに でんしゃで よく ねるですね。でも、あぶないと おもいます。

    Romaji :

    A : Nihon jin wa densha de yoku neru deshou ?.

    B : Ee, hontou ni densha de yoku neru desu ne. Demo, abunai to omoimasu

    Meaning :

    A:Japanese (people) sleep  a lot in the train isn’t it ?.

    B:Yes, there are really a lot (of Japanese people) sleep a lot in the train. But, I think it is dangerous.


    Not but not least, try to check and confirm the pattern according to the problem given in Minna no Nihongo Chapter 21 Section C Part 3 in page 177.


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