Japanese Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 12 Practice B Part 6 Page 100

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Japanese Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 12 Practice B Part 6 Page 100

Comparing between items presented in a problem is a focus in Minna no Nihongo 1 book chapter 12 Section B Part 6 in page 100. There is a certain Japanese language grammar pattern discussed in that part which is used to compare items and selected based on the preference given as part of the problem. So, the problem consist two items or aspects which is being compared for their similar characteristics. Based on that keyword, create a question which is asking preference among that two item.  Back to the problem, along with those keyword, the problem is also attached with the preference which should be used as the answer pair. Below is the pattern and also the example as the base for answering the question :

Pattern for using the adjective in the Japanese language grammar pattern ‘dochira’:

Kanji : Aと Bと どちら 形容詞 ・形容動詞・名詞
Hiragana : Aと Bと どちら けいようし・けいようどうし・めいし
Romaji : A to B to dochira ga keiyoushi・keiyoudoushi・meishi
Meaning : A and B which one particle ga -i type adjective・-na type adjective・noun


Example :

Kanji       :



Hiragana    :



Romaji            :

Nihongo shiken to suugaku shiken to dochira ga kantan desuka。

。。。nihongo shiken desu。

Meaning     :

Which one is easier between Japanese language test and mathematics test ?。

。。。Japanese language test。

Another Japanese language grammar pattern which is also presented in this article is about the preference for answering or selecting the answer. Below is the answer and the pattern :

Kanji : A ほうが 形容詞 ・形容動詞・名詞 です
Hiragana : A ほうが けいようし・けいようどうし・めいし です
Romaji : A no houga keiyoushi・keiyoudoushi・meishi Desu
Meaning : A particle no this one -i type adjective・-na type adjective・noun desu


Example using the previous one :

Kanji       :



Hiragana    :



Romaji            :

Nihongo shiken to suugaku shiken to dochira ga kantan desuka。

。。。nihongo shiken no houga kantan desu。

Meaning     :

Which one is easier between Japanese language test and mathematics test ?。

。。。Japanese language test is the easier one。


To emphasize the selection item, the above Japanese language pattern can be used using ‘hou ga’for the item is more preferred.


As the pattern and also the example given above, below are the answers given to answer the question exist in Minna no Nihongo 1 book Chapter 12 Section B Part 6 at page 100 :



Kanji       :

コーヒーと紅茶と どちらが いいですか。

コーヒーのほうが いいです。

Hiragana    :

コーヒーとこうちゃと どちらが いいですか。

コーヒーのほうが いいです。

Romaji            :

Ko-hi- to koucha to dochira ga ii desuka。

Ko-hi- no houga ii desu。

Meaning           :

Between coffee and black tea, which is nice (good)?.

The coffee is better.


In the above example, ‘yori’ is actually selected to describe that the subject preference for two bags’s weight. The subject said that one bag is lighter than the other one. The adjective in this problem is ‘karui’ which is translated as ‘light’.


Kanji       :

大きいみかんと 小さいみかんと どちらが 甘いですか。

。。。小さいみかんのほうが 甘いです。

Hiragana    :

おおきいみかんと ちいさいみかんと どちらが あまいですか。

。。。ちいさいみかんのほうが あまいです。

Romaji            :

Ookii mikan to chiisai mikan to dochira ga amai desuka。

。。。chiisai mikan no houga amai desu。

Meaning           :

Which is the sweet one between the big mandarin orange and the small one ?。

。。。The small mandarin orange is the sweet one。

This is another problem involving –i type adjective usage. The –i type adjective in this problem is ‘chikai’ which is translated as ‘near’. In this context, ‘yori’ is used to compare that Hongkong is nearer than Singapore.


3. Answer

Kanji       :

お父さんとお母さんと 料理が どちらが上手ですか。


Hiragana    :

おとうさんとおかあさんと りょうりが どちらがじょうずですか。


Romaji            :

Otousan to okaasan to ryouri ga dochira ga jyouzu desuka。

。。。Chichi no houga ryouri ga jyozu desu。

Meaning           :

Which is the one is skillful in cooking between your father and your mother。

。。。My father is better in (his) skill for cooking。



The answer for the above problem is using ‘hayai’as the –i type adjective used to be compared the vehicle stated which one faster from underground train or car.



Kanji       :



Hiragana    :



Romaji            :

Haru to aki to dochira ga suki desuka。

。。。dochira mo suki desu。

Meaning           :

Which one do you like between spring and autumn ?.

。。。I like them both (either of them).


This problem answer is using a –na type adjective. It is ‘jyouzu’ and it is translated as ‘skillful’. The Japanese language grammar pattern ‘yori’ compared that Mira is more skillful than Santos in playing tennis.



The full question which consists of several numbers can be seen completely in Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 12 Section B Part 6 on page 100.



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