This is the usage of the interrogative pronoun どちらwhich can be used in order to make a question form. This time it is used to ask about an information whether it is a company, university or other activity places of the person which is being asked. Through chapter 3 on page 26 in Minna no Nihongo book we are given the question and also name of the country where the person came from. The book itself is used as a learning material for a beginner in order to study Japanese language. To see the problems, please buy the original Minna no Nihongo book.
Format :
Aさんの 「かいしゃ・だいがく」は どちらですか
Answer :
B です.
Where A is the person which is being asked about where is the place of activity and B is the name of the company, education institution or the place where A is doing the daily activity.
1. サントスさんの 会社は どちらですか。
Hiragana :
サントスさんの かいしゃは どちらですか。
Romaji :
Santosu-san no kaisha wa dochira desuka.
Burajiru Eaa desu.
Meaning :
Which is Santos’s company?.
Brazil Air Flight Company.
2. ワットさんの 大学は どちらですか。
Hiragana :
ワットさんの だいがくは どちらですか。
Romaji :
Watto-san no daigaku wa dochira desuka.
Sakura daigaku desu.
Meaning :
Which is Watt’s University ?.
Sakura University
3. シュミットさんの かいしゃは どちらですか。
Hiragana :
シュミットさんの かいしゃは どちらですか。
Romaji :
Shumitto-san no kaisha wa dochira desuka?.
Pawaa denki.
Meaning :
Which is Schmitt’s company ?
Electric Power Company.
4. カリナさんの 大学は どちらですか。
Hiragana :
カリナさんの だいがくは どちらですか。
Romaji :
Karina-san no daigaku wa dochira desuka.
Fuji daigaku desu.
Meaning :
Which is Karina’s university ?.
Fuji University.